Smitool is an innovative woodworking tool design company founded in 2017 in Montreal, Canada. It originated from a woodworking studio that provided

woodworking training services.

During this journey, we heard many complaints and frustrations about table saws! So! Could we invent and design some innovative tools to address these pain points?

That's how Smitool came to be! Smitool is the acronym of the company's name, Sky-Mountain Innovation Tool Inc.

Invention is only an idea! Having an idea is just completing step 1! Turning the idea into a mature and reliable product requires going through 99 steps to reach 100! Seven years later, these innovative products finally received our recognition first. Now, it's time to present our solutions to you!

Welcome your feedback and suggestions!

Currently, we are still on the path of creating new inventions!  Smitool, Come from Canada!

 Please note that patents protect all our products or have patent applications pending!